Sunday, March 28, 2010

in pain

God, how many retarded beats can someone get.. it's been crazy for this week... I keep hitting the nuts on the flop, only to get people hitting the ubernuts on the river... I have KQ, flop 9TJ rainbow, and it goes threeway all in, one guy has TJ, one guy has 78, and BINK, a freaking J on the river to have me donate another gigantic pot away.. I also lost AA vs KQs twice preflop all in, and also AA vs TJo preflop all in.. what are these guys thinking, that they are ahead? wtf.. I'm like the tightest nit ever :p and yeah ofcourse I want them to call my shove, but can I please hold up one time???? goddamnit, I'm running so much below EV this week, it's not even funny anymore.. when will it balance out? I sure hope very soon :p and for my last week in Bangkok, I'm running horrible in life also.. I lost like all the goddamn flips you can imagine, lost the korean BBQ dinner flop, lost like a gazillion of bottle flips at the clubs also.. gah, I feel like Ted :p maybe it's an asian thing? lol. I just keep reminding myself I had a good run in Singapore, so it's normal that the EV is kicking me back in the butt, censor that, in my behind :p no need to be rude.. well, enough whining.. it is my last week now in Bangkok before I'm moving back to Singapore, so I guess things will all be fine again... I also had a few annoying moments with my internet disconnecting on me a few times in the middle of some big pots where I hit a set and such, only to see the computer to fold my hand due to disconnection, it's really disheartening to see such a thing :p I guess I'm folding sets nowadays :p ubernit in the making :p hopefully you guys had a better week then me ^_^ maybe I should go visit the 4 faced buddha statue again ;-) Peace.

Ryu Dang

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