Friday, March 19, 2010

aah.. the lazy life

Since my arrival back in Bangkok, I have probably been the most lazy person on earth.. well I needed a break, so I really DID take a break lol, I haven't played a single hand since I left Singapore. I do think I deserved it though, because for me it was a very work intensive period, a lot of ups and downs like usual, but maybe it was even more intense because it was a different environment and finding different ways how to cope with the downs. Maybe I'm exagerating but it was emotionally one of my toughest moments in life because I was mainly trying to process breaking up from a very long relationship. I do think it must be tough to be a partner of someone who goes on so many emotional rollercoaster rides. So to all people who have partners who truly support them, do know to appreciate them.
So what have I been up to? well.. mainly thinking about what to do next and planning on some other projects besides grinding out a solid life bankroll. I think it was very nice to be cut off for some time from my MSN, just figuring out life, taking it easy and catch up on some series that I've missed. So what's next? well.. I think the best and most solid environment right now would be Singapore. I think it's a very nice and decent grinding environment, a lot less distractions, because over here, there is not a night that goes by where I don't get invited to come out clubbing or any other degen activities.. not that I'm complaining about that, it's always nice to have a place like this to fall back on.. but I just feel that I have passed this level already. There is no doubt in my mind that doesn't know that it is Bangkok that made me achieve the skill level I am on right now, but I think I'm on a different level now, where that I don't need to improve that much anymore on that level with other people, and I think I can properly analyse my own game since I know myself so much better now. But obviously the gratitude towards my friends over here who helped me out is infinite. So the grand plan is to move to Singapore for a long period, I accepted to move into a 3 bedroom condo together with a friend and his wife. Gonna help him out with his poker game and hope he can manage having me around long enough before he goes on crazy monkey tilt and kicks me back to Bangkok lol. I guess there still will a few trips towards Bangkok, Macau and maybe some other asian destinations during my stay, and a trip back to Belgium to visit my little nephew/niece ;) and my belgian homies. Wishing you all good luck.

Ryu Dang // Run BKK!

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