Saturday, March 6, 2010

burned out

oh yeah, I'm feeling it, I'm reaching that point where I can just feel that I'm gonna break, the schedule I'm trying to maintain is pretty sick, so I'm very happy it will end soon. I need a good break from everything, and relax and chill for at least a week.. I knew I would get to this point in about 2 months, so that's why I planned my return trip to Bangkok beforehand, gonna just go there lay in my bed, order take out and watch movies and series all day.. maybe even download that Starcraft 2 beta and play it hahaha.. or maybe I shouldn't because I'm afraid I won't be working anymore for like 5 years haha :D anyways, last week has been a good week, I ran pretty normal (for once :p) and I crushed over 5 figures in one week, which made me a happy koala. well my original goal was 50k, didn't get there and I don't think I will obv. which made me a bit sad, but let's just say I'm close anyways ;)
The most tilting thing is that I'm on a 100mbps internet line right now, so speeds are just the sickness, but I can't grind on some sites just because the ISP has problems with their transatlantic hub or something. I get like massive amounts of time outs which causes disconnections and lags on the tables, it was tilting me pretty bad that I lost like at least 1k or something, so I just stopped playing and just chilled out for a bit and played live games instead. So I guess this concludes my hardcore trip to Singapore, will be reporting, but probably less from Bangkok in a few days ;) take it easy guys and good luck grinding :)

Ryu out!

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