Thursday, February 25, 2010

seeing the light!

been thinking about how to optimise my game with these 'special' kind of players, so I changed my playstyle a little into a more passive mode, which happens to work out better.. things have been improving on the results area, so I'm pretty pleased with that, there are other things that are bothering me though. I know we are all poker players and we should treat money online (or at the table) as just numbers and play our game, but it doesn't mean that the value of money is not there in real life. Even if we are rich, poor, or whatever, in the end the value of money and in life should still be important. People are starting to take too many things for granted. I mean, I helped a friend out in need when he needed it, and suddenly I get crap for it because I want him to just keep his word. The irony heh? I guess people don't realise or know how to appreciate basic things anymore.. anyways, I learned my lesson, just don't help people out, you won't get any shit in the end. Sounds a bit selfish, but somehow that's probably the most +EV way to go. Enough whining about that.
Back to the pokers.. I had this insane hand a few days ago that I didn't post, it was very crazy. I had 99 and the flop went T94 rainbow , I bet out, guy reraised, I shoved, he called and he flipped over 94 suited.. I thought he was drawing dead, because I didn't see it was suited, but he still had a runner runner 4 or a runner runner heart to hit his flush to scoop the pot. But anyways, it was still less then 5% equity that he had, so I was in total control. Since I was being a nice guy, I just told him to take 10% of the pot and I'll take 90% and we'll call it day. He thanked me and took the deal, out of curiosity we let the flop run... turn, heart, river... yep you guessed it heart.. god, I was in shock, so thankful I gave him the deal beforehand or else I would have probably been tilted for the whole night lol.
I feel a burnout coming up, been grinding my ass off, and financially it's going the right direction ofcourse but I need some serious holidays also before I feint.. but I can see the light! 2 more weeks and I'm heading back to Bangkok to chill out, relax, and think about what the next step will be. Wish all you guys the best and good luck @ the tables.


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