Wednesday, February 3, 2010

eye of the tiger

feels like I'm in the zone (well except for today because I lost online :p) but anyways, I've been playing some of my best poker ever I think. Been very focused even after getting sucked out on a 2-outer on a 2K$ pot.. I managed to fight back from the grave and crush it and ending the night with a 1.2k profits and 1.7k profits the night before that each time dropping from 1k stack to 200$ and then fighting back. So I can't complain on that area.. been working my ass off so I deserve a little bit of credit ;) my ultimate goal is to ship 50k this month.. I know it's gonna be a tough one, but we'll see how it goes.. might not be able to play a few days due to the chinese new year holidays (sadly enough ;)) anyways, tomorrow night I'm gonna take a night off, because I think I need some drinks to let loose of some stress.. things are going well for me now for the moment, feels like it was the right decision to go on therapy over here in Singapore. GL to you all.


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