Sunday, January 31, 2010


A lot of people are telling me that I don't have a real job, I totally disagree obv. I'm tired to explain and justify myself, and I'm sure that a lot of people underestimate the amount of hours and effort that I put into all this. I have been doing some sick hours, like really sick hours.. I think if I could trade my life for just a month with someone else who doesn't believe me and does a 'regular' office job that he would die after two weeks, I'm pretty sure of that... my schedule is so insane right now, that I know I'll have a burnout after 2 months, which is pretty normal I think. I wake up around 13.00, grind until 18.00 online, take a shower, have dinner and then I grind from 20.00 to 5.00am live, just count the hours, you'll figure it out.. and that has been the case for the past week in Singapore. I've done an office job myself for a period, I know what I'm doing right now is way tougher, so I can compare. If you're not a true believer, I challenge you to try it yourself :) So telling me, you have an easy life, trust me, it's a big big underestimation.

I had one evening off though, on Munchu's birthday, we decided to take a day off and went on a drinking binge, went to Clarke at some pub, who had a very good live music band and then went to our regular thai club lol :) and then ended up at a nice BBQ place at Geylang somewhere.. it was a really fun night.


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