Wednesday, December 15, 2010

the heater and the recovery

Let's start with the good news, first of all I had this sick heater last Saturday, I don't think I ever had this sick of a good run this whole year.. anyways, a few key hands to let u now what happened. I had Qh6d on the BB, it got all limped to me so I checked, flop goes 5d8d9d , I check, guy on button makes a bet, I'm like thinking, how awesome would it be if the 7d popped up, and I called, bink, 7d... waaah.. I check, he spazzes out, I'm like thinking, how awesome would it be if he had the Ad lol.. so I reraise him, we were deep, so like 200bb's deep (oh it was on NL600 this hand), he repops it, I'm in heaven and reraise him again, and he shoves and I snap call and he has the Ad, drawing dead :D bink the 2.5k$ pot
Then after that hand a bit later I got 44, flop goes 54K rainbow, decided to flat the original raiser his cbet, turn comes a 5, original bets again, so I flat again, river 4... I'm like wow, how awesome would it be if he has a 5 lol, and he bets small on river, I shove him, and he calls with a 5, ship.. 1.5k$ pot.
And then after that I hit another 3 sets in a row, whom 2 where set over set with me being on the higher end, lol, it was total shippaments that night. I was very pleased lol.
So the week ended very good for me. I was on a high the Monday, fully powered to start the week good.. but alas, like good run and bad runs evens magically out. I lost 3 KK vs JJ preflop ai in a row, which was so sick. Started the night with like 8k$ down.. and had to fight back for like 10 grueling hours before I finally broke even (well I won a tiny bit, like 200$ or so lol), it was crazy every time I was making some recovery I got a bad beat to set me back, it was really stressfull, but I'm glad I'm still at exactly 1 red day this month only :D
As for this week after the recovery Monday, it has only been going up really, been doing pretty nicely at NL2K and making good money. Hope it will stay this way and let's finish this year with a bang.

Wishing you all the best for the end year festivals!
Ryu Dang

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