Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Challenge and the strangest week

One of my friends from Singapore, whom for now still wishes to remain anonymous wanted to come over to Thailand and try and grind it out here for some time. As good as I like the idea, I do think that some people should understand that usually living here for a long period requires a lot of discipline and change in values and culture imo. It is a fact that you have a lot of good players over here, and well, people who only live off poker must be good at it or else they wouldn't be able to afford to stay here and pay their bills right? So it's interesting to bond with those people and I also admit that it helped my own game a ton by staying here for the first time. I don't think I would have made it if I didn't take that step to move here. Anyways, I do think that fundamental work ethics and basics is needed before you can make such a step. Hence I gave him the challenge... what's the challenge?

1. he must make 30k$ in one month (including rakeback), challenge valid for 1 year
2. no matter the number of hands, limits or day during the month, let's say he hits 31k$ but drops back to 15k$ when the month ends, then the challenge is still valid and successful

if not.. he should stay in Singapore until it happends :)

what do I offer in return?

1. I shall arrange him a decent staying arrangement in Central Bangkok
2. Show him around and let him meet crushers, say hello Viktor :p
3. arrange a few sweat sessions if wanted

I'll keep you guys posted if he made it or not ^_^

As for myself, this week has been a very strange start of the week.. I keep losing a ton , like 5k$-6k$ during my afternoon session, only to recover it during my night sessions and end up (a little bit) in the green.. so I can't say my winrate for this week is super.. but what can I do? I lost KK vs lower pocket pair preflop ai 5 times today.. nothing to do about it right? let's hope this will all add up to my upcoming superheater

I arranged my Christmas dinner with the poker guys at the Four Seasons Hotel, to have a super buffet and free flow and a relaxing night, pretty sure it's going to be entertaining and fun :) Wishing you all the best end of year holidays and see you guys back on a super new year with new year resolutions!

Ryu Dang

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