Saturday, September 25, 2010

end of a streak

I had a good winstreak of 21 winning days this month, which ended 2 days ago.. but still now I'm 22 winning days out of 25 for this month (I didn't play 2 days due to coaching mainly :p) so I can be sure if I'm not gonna spazz out my winnings on high limits that it's gonna be a fine month. Things are working out a lot better then expected over here and I'm enjoying my time here very much.. had a few homegames with some friends for fun and a few nights of chatter with the good old homies that I haven't seen for a year. Ah time does fly by so fast sometimes, and already in like 6 days I'm flying again back to Thailand. I just pray that I will find some place where I can have a private phone/internet connection again that I can continue this grind. I'm definitely going to miss my new external monitor because I'm not planning on carrying it to Thailand. I guess I should find one myself over there which is not too big like my previous one, I think about 24" is fine to grind on. Still haven't made up my mind where I'm gonna stay. I do know that I have to do a visa run within 30 days, thinking about hitting up Taiwan and go visit some old friends over there. Wishing you all the luck.

Ryu Dang

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