Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Playday 12 (evening)

Hands: 2000 hands
Played hands so far: 23000 hands
Limit: NL200
Tables: 7
Net Result: -500$
Month Result so far: +750$

gaaaaah.. I call today gutshot day, that other dudes hits.. it's sooooo insane, everytime I'm like 90% or more ahead and I get killed.. just sick sick sick again sigh.. good thing I had a good winning session yesterday though, this is just mentally so heavy on me..

hopefully Belgium is going to do better tomorrow :) against New-Zealand.. wish them a gutshot goal :p

Hand #1590011496000974: Seville (6-Max) 11496
Seat 1: elkc*** (136.80 in chips)
Seat 2: bars*** (240.20 in chips)
Seat 3: ROCK*** (199.25 in chips)
Seat 4: chef*** (58.20 in chips)
Seat 5: Poke*** (200.00 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (357.85 in chips)
elkc***: posts small blind $1
bars***: posts big blind $2
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Ac Ah ]
ROCK***: calls
chef***: folds
Poke***: calls
ChickeDinner: raises to $11
elkc***: folds
bars***: folds
ROCK***: calls
Poke***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Td 6d Qh ]
ROCK***: checks
Poke***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $24
ROCK***: raises to $48
Poke***: calls
ChickeDinner: calls
# # # TURN # # # [ 8h ]
ROCK***: bets $90
Poke***: calls
ChickeDinner: raises to $180
ROCK***: is all in 50.2500
Poke***: is all in 51.0000
ChickeDinner: returns uncalled bet $39
ROCK***: shows Kd 9h
Poke***: shows 5d Ad
ChickeDinner: shows Ac Ah
&&& RIVER &&& [ 7h ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ChickeDinner wins $1.50 with Pair of Aces
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ROCK*** wins $597.75 with Straight, Ten high

Hand #1590011488001989: Seville (6-Max) 11488
Seat 2: Frip*** (197.00 in chips)
Seat 3: djel*** (203.30 in chips)
Seat 4: whym*** (116.35 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (236.80 in chips)
whym***: posts small blind $1
ChickeDinner: posts big blind $2
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Qh Qd ]
Frip***: folds
djel***: raises to $8
whym***: calls
ChickeDinner: raises to $30
djel***: calls
whym***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 2s 4h 6d ]
whym***: is all in 86.3500
ChickeDinner: is all in 206.8000
djel***: folds
ChickeDinner: returns uncalled bet $120.45
whym***: shows 9d 9h
ChickeDinner: shows Qh Qd
# # # TURN # # # [ 9s ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ As ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
whym*** wins $260.70 with Three of a Kind, Nines

Hand #1590011752000977: Seville (6-Max) 11752
Seat 1: Krut*** (242.35 in chips)
Seat 7: jsdj*** (75.00 in chips)
Seat 8: jona*** (123.70 in chips)
Seat 9: baht*** (219.25 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (346.55 in chips)
Krut***: posts small blind $1
jsdj***: posts big blind $2
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Ks Kd ]
jona***: raises to $8
baht***: folds
ChickeDinner: raises to $25
Krut***: calls
jsdj***: folds
jona***: folds
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Kc Js 3h ]
Krut***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $34
Krut***: calls
# # # TURN # # # [ Qs ]
Krut***: checks
ChickeDinner: is all in 287.5500
Krut***: is all in 183.3500
ChickeDinner: returns uncalled bet $104.20
ChickeDinner: shows Ks Kd
Krut***: shows Ac Ts
&&& RIVER &&& [ 2h ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Krut*** wins $492.70 with Straight, Ace high


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't ever comaplain when you've shipped so much money in the previous month.