Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Playday 5

Ok I'm on supertilt now.. just hit nothing dropped -2.3K$ .. just insane, hit nothing and the guys hit it all.. siggggghhhhhh.... aaaaaaaaaaaaargh I hate poker so much sometimes

currently -1500$ net result for this month grmbl

Hand #1583011492001426: Amsterdam (6-max) 11492
Seat 1: Jigg*** (789.00 in chips)
Seat 3: Magi*** (362.90 in chips)
Seat 4: slim*** (74.70 in chips)
Seat 5: HitO*** (396.00 in chips)
Seat 6: donq*** (400.00 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (400.00 in chips)
HitO***: posts small blind $2
donq***: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Kc Kd ]
ChickeDinner: raises to $14
Jigg***: folds
Magi***: folds
slim***: raises to $44
HitO***: folds
donq***: folds
ChickeDinner: is all in 386.0000
slim***: is all in 30.7000
ChickeDinner: returns uncalled bet $325.30
slim***: shows Qc Ac
ChickeDinner: shows Kc Kd
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Th Ts 6c ]
# # # TURN # # # [ 2d ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ Ah ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
slim*** wins $152.40 with Two Pairs, Aces and Tens

Hand #1583011492001466: Amsterdam (6-max) 11492
Seat 3: Magi*** (309.50 in chips)
Seat 4: itak*** (145.30 in chips)
Seat 5: HitO*** (420.00 in chips)
Seat 6: donq*** (424.00 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (446.00 in chips)
HitO***: posts small blind $2
donq***: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Ac Qd ]
ChickeDinner: raises to $14
Magi***: folds
itak***: folds
HitO***: calls
donq***: folds
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Jc 2s Qc ]
HitO***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $20
HitO***: calls
# # # TURN # # # [ 7d ]
HitO***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $40
HitO***: calls
&&& RIVER &&& [ Kh ]
HitO***: checks
ChickeDinner: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ChickeDinner: shows [ Ac Qd ] (Pair of Queens )
HitO***: shows [ Ks Qs ] (Two Pairs, Kings and Queens )
HitO*** wins $150 with Two Pairs, Kings and Queens

Hand #1583011515001837: Amsterdam (6-max) 11515
Seat 1: theM*** (438.00 in chips)
Seat 2: Clin*** (410.30 in chips)
Seat 4: donq*** (410.00 in chips)
Seat 5: Lamo*** (1146.80 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (394.00 in chips)
Lamo***: posts small blind $2
ChickeDinner: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Ac Td ]
theM***: folds
Clin***: folds
donq***: raises to $14
Lamo***: folds
ChickeDinner: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 8h 7c Th ]
ChickeDinner: checks
donq***: bets $24
ChickeDinner: calls
# # # TURN # # # [ Ad ]
ChickeDinner: checks
donq***: bets $55
ChickeDinner: raises to $110
donq***: is all in 317.0000
ChickeDinner: is all in 246.0000
donq***: returns uncalled bet $16
donq***: shows 8c 8d
ChickeDinner: shows Ac Td
&&& RIVER &&& [ 5h ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
donq*** wins $788 with Three of a Kind, Eights

Hand #1583011515001869: Amsterdam (6-max) 11515
Seat 1: theM*** (448.10 in chips)
Seat 2: Clin*** (466.30 in chips)
Seat 3: *Cha*** (396.00 in chips)
Seat 4: donq*** (906.40 in chips)
Seat 5: Lamo*** (1112.70 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (392.00 in chips)
theM***: posts small blind $2
Clin***: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Ad As ]
*Cha***: folds
donq***: folds
Lamo***: folds
ChickeDinner: raises to $14
theM***: folds
Clin***: raises to $40
ChickeDinner: raises to $108
Clin***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 2h 8c Kh ]
Clin***: checks
ChickeDinner: checks
# # # TURN # # # [ Js ]
Clin***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $109
Clin***: raises to $218
ChickeDinner: is all in 175.0000
Clin***: calls
ChickeDinner: shows Ad As
Clin***: shows Jd Jc
&&& RIVER &&& [ 5h ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Clin*** wins $783 with Three of a Kind, Jacks


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