Monday, August 4, 2008

Playday 4 (morning)

Hands: 1000 hands
Total Hands so far: 8665 hands
Limit: NL400
Tables: 4
Net Result : +100$
Month Result so far: +300$

I started playing so well, grinding it up, player superpoker, see some hands below, but then.. the magic pot 1800$ loss.. it left me dizzy for a while, but managed to crawl back to a little bit of profit. I think that says that I have a lot of control about myself at the moment, and that I do have confidence in my play.

Hand #1582011657000617: Amsterdam (6-max) 11657
Seat 5: RAKE*** (406.00 in chips)
Seat 6: ghan*** (400.00 in chips)
Seat 7: MrFr*** (487.00 in chips)
Seat 8: Aame*** (963.90 in chips)
Seat 9: s2k*** (303.40 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (400.00 in chips)
ChickeDinner: posts small blind $2
RAKE***: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ 5h 8h ]
ghan***: folds
MrFr***: folds
Aame***: folds
s2k***: calls
ChickeDinner: calls
RAKE***: checks
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 8d 8s 5s ]
ChickeDinner: checks
RAKE***: bets $8
s2k***: folds
ChickeDinner: calls
# # # TURN # # # [ 6s ]
ChickeDinner: bets $14
RAKE***: raises to $50
ChickeDinner: raises to $105
RAKE***: is all in 344.0000
ChickeDinner: is all in 283.0000
RAKE***: returns uncalled bet $6
ChickeDinner: shows 5h 8h
RAKE***: shows As 2s
&&& RIVER &&& [ 2d ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ChickeDinner wins $801 with Full House, Eights full of Fives

I guess he couldn't let go of his nutflush :D

Hand #1582011492000942: Amsterdam (6-max) 11492
Seat 1: s2k*** (155.90 in chips)
Seat 2: ghan*** (394.00 in chips)
Seat 3: MrFr*** (828.85 in chips)
Seat 8: Aame*** (552.80 in chips)
Seat 9: theM*** (400.00 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (523.10 in chips)
ghan***: posts small blind $2
MrFr***: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ 7d 6d ]
Aame***: folds
ChickeDinner: raises to $14
s2k***: folds
ghan***: folds
MrFr***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Jc 4h 5d ]
MrFr***: checks
ChickeDinner: checks
# # # TURN # # # [ 8h ]
MrFr***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $30
MrFr***: calls
&&& RIVER &&& [ 8d ]
MrFr***: checks
ChickeDinner: bets $66
MrFr***: calls
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ChickeDinner: shows [ 7d 6d ] (Straight, Eight high)
MrFr***: mucks
ChickeDinner wins $220 with Straight, Eight high
MrFr***: mucks [ Tc, Jh ] (TwoPair)

Raise suited connector in position, evil check on flop, hard bet on turn, value bet on river, nicely played imo :)

Hand #1582011657000660: Amsterdam (6-max) 11657
Seat 5: Slob*** (631.80 in chips)
Seat 6: ghan*** (476.50 in chips)
Seat 7: MrFr*** (412.00 in chips)
Seat 8: Aame*** (977.90 in chips)
Seat 9: s2k*** (363.30 in chips)
Seat 10: ChickeDinner (862.00 in chips)
ghan***: posts small blind $2
MrFr***: posts big blind $4
Dealt to ChickeDinner [ Ad Ah ]
Aame***: raises to $14
s2k***: folds
ChickeDinner: raises to $44
Slob***: folds
ghan***: folds
MrFr***: folds
Aame***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 7d 7c 5d ]
Aame***: bets $48
ChickeDinner: raises to $122
Aame***: is all in 885.9000
ChickeDinner: is all in 696.0000
Aame***: returns uncalled bet $115.90
Aame***: shows 5s 5h
ChickeDinner: shows Ad Ah
# # # TURN # # # [ 4h ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ 3d ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Aame*** wins $1,727 with Full House, Fives full of Sevens

Critical pot.. he was losing 3 pots in a row to me in all tables (he was also seated at 4 tables) and then I knew he was a bit steamy, and his play was very loose, so I thought he would make a stand with QQ or AKs or something like that.. never put him on 55 :(


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