Friday, February 4, 2011

sick :(

have been sick the past few weeks, it really all started just before I made my trip out of Bangkok for my student visa to Vientiane, started to cough a little bit, and it only got worse by then sigh.. didn't do much during my trip, just did a few touristy spots and chilled out at a few nice restaurants and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere. I got my visa fixed pretty quickly so I'm pretty much settled for at least a year here in Bangkok. Only thing that annoyed me the last week is that my coughing doesn't seem to be stopping very quickly, and I can't really focus or concentrate on my grinding, so I decided to take a (well now extremely) long break from the felt and just do some side work like my affiliate business. I'm on like a ton of medication, so I guess it's normal that I'm not able to fully focus and feel a bit dizzy and very tired all the time. Hope this will go away soon and I can make another sick month. Wish all you guys a happy chinese new year also, hopefully the rabbit brings us all good fortune.

Ryu Dang

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