Sunday, February 27, 2011

back at work

Been silently putting in average 4 hours days for the last week, but running so incredible bad that im stuck quite a lot for this month, slowly back to my standard 8 hour averages now... the sites im playing on their software is so bad and laggy that I had to buy a new laptop to make sure that im able to grind normally... so say hello to another spew. Bought the best available laptop in the shop, which was either an Acer or an HP with Intel Core i7 and 8gb DDR3 ram and a 4GB DDR3 ATI vga card, which is basically a very high end spec for a laptop lol. Anyways I went for the HP this time because I wasn't too happy with my last laptop which was an Acer... actualy I wanted to buy the Asus NX90 or the Alienware MX17 but first one wasn't available and the last one was so overpriced in Thailand in comparison with Dell online USA shop.

Anyways, I got injured playing football last week, got a stubbed left toe and a bruised shin after the game.. so have to take it a bit easy for the coming week.. although I just felt that I was making improvements on my conditioning lol.

Honestly felt that coaching my friends takes up so much time, was hoping it would be less.. but no turning back now. One guy already dropped the course, that's one less I suppose.. yep it's not easy to make money out of poker nowadays.. it takes a lot of time, dedication and hard work. That's just how it is... after my long break, I feel like I have to start over again, definitely not playing good also in combo with running bad. Hope my focus will be back and I can make some monies again soon.

Ryu Dang

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