Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yeah, I haven't been really playing last few weeks to be honest.. been morphing from a working robot into a party animal haha. I guess I deserved a good amount of degen after working so hard the last few months. I can't let it all devour my attention though, the plan is still to work hard and to make enough money to buy my first condo around March. I did make a return today at the tables, and grinded like 4 or 5 hours and I was running pretty bad, had a few cooler spots like KK vs AA twice and a flopped flush vs overflush, but in the end still managed to make some money, so I can't complain :)
I have to do a visa run and get my student visa done before the end of this month, so I'm thinking about flying to Laos and back, not that there is anything there, but it's just the quickest and fastest option. Losing a couple of days, but it will be the last time because I will be good for at least a year (extendable up to 3 years) so, it's all good ^_^
anyways, gonna try to put in more hours and warm up for next month when my visa and all that stuff is clear, gonna seriously grind my hours then, back to the robot.

Further on, although I said I quit coaching, I am coaching 4 of my friends back home in Belgium, giving them assignments and theory of poker while checking up on them every week. Ofcourse I had to start from scratch, so it will take a while before they will actually hit the felt, but I hope they appreciate the effort (because I do lose a lot of time because of it) but well, it's my last shot of helping them, and they know it. Hope they will listen this time and put in the effort! Because it's well worth it imo....

Ryu Dang

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