Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! 2011 yay!

Just have to start the year with a bang.. my first hand of 2011 on NL2000 went like this..
I waited for BB to post then got QQ, there was a raise before, and then a flat, a minraise, then a flat, and I was already going for it, in my mind I already decided I will never fold already no matter what so I shoved the 2000$ in it and I saw one guy snapcall, and then another guy snapcalling behind me.. I couldn't believe what I saw, it was QQ vs KK vs AA ... wow.. nice first hand of the year.. all the cards went blank and the last card was a pretty lady haha, scooping the 5k$+ pot to me.. yep.. it's gonna be an awesome 2011, I just know it now already :D

had a nice party at the penthouse from the poker crushers, lots of people, I was guessing around 100 for sure, place was booming and it was a very enjoyable evening, gonna continue to relax for a bit this week since I did work pretty hard the last few months, and I don't wanna burn out although I'm playing really solid lately imo and I feel like I'm on the top of my game

but for now it's catching up on a few series, watching a few movies, watching UFC and more things like that to enjoy my life a bit, although I did still put in hands every day, it's just cutting down a bit on the marathons or standard 8 hour day workschedule hehe :)

here are my new year goals for 2011:

1. buy a (few) condo's in Thailand or a house back in Belgium
2. ship 400k$
3. keep this trend updating my blog :)
4. focus on keeping improving my game, and not make the same mistake as before being stuck in it
5. be a good friend and person overall

wishing you all a prosper 2011!

Ryu Dang

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