Thursday, November 11, 2010

settling down

Long time I haven't posted anything, nothing really special happened, been figuring out things and planning what I'll do. I made a short trip back to Singapore to check up on everyone and get my tourist visa and only to run bad and get some kind of food poisoning. Still that didn't stop Jeff from bringing out and getting me to drink :p Had a good time all by all, only thing that I probably won't be trying again is the turtle soup.. Jeff said it would be good for my digestion, well, I don't know about it, don't think I'll try it again. The picture of the turtle just kept crawling inside my head.. and made me unable to eat it normally, not that it tasted bad or anything.. it was just awkward. Anyways, so I made the decision to stay in Thailand for a year now :) Just signed the lease from my new Condo, which is located next to the MRT station, which is so full of awesomeness.. and hopefully it will make me move out more sometimes to actually buy some groceries instead of ordering in or going to restaurants all the time. Gonna upgrade my internet line also, to finally get a decent grinding station.. as for the grind itself, it has been going pretty decent, I'm not complaining. I think I have been playing pretty solid after getting coached and I feel back into the robot grinding mood since the period in Belgium. I hope this will keep up and that the fishes don't die out so fast ;) it's been quite some time that I haven't been enjoying the grinding life, I guess it's not too bad at all when I compare with other people :)

wishing you all good luck out there!

Ryu Dang


Anonymous said...

ryu can you give me your thailand number? this is sech. gonna be there on the 20th dec

Ryu Dang said...

sure, hit me an email, not gonna put it here obv