Thursday, November 25, 2010

good month - happy thanksgiving

Things have been good lately on the poker area, been making a decent amount at the tables, haven't had any (that I can remember) losing days yet for this month, so that should clarify that this month is going to be a good one. Been playing mainly 3/6 and 5/10 with a hint of 10/20 again, so I guess we're moving back up the stakes, feeling confident in my game and ready to face some variance. Hope we can continue this grind until end of this year and have a good closure of 2010. As for my year resolution, pretty sure I won't make it, but it's still nice to have a target and hopefully to be near it when the time comes.
On the other hand I have made it clear for myself that I won't be doing any coaching anymore. I thought about it for a while and weighted the pros and cons, and I just can't figure out how the pros could ever outweigh the cons. So every asian guy that wants poker coaching, please be referred to Jason Samsonov, you can find his blog on my bloglinks side. He is still willing to accept students and help you on your game. As for me there are just too many factors which makes me annoyed about coaching someone, so that chapter for me is closed. Not that I regret doing or trying it once, because you have to try everything once to know. But now I know, and it's just not worth it for me, and neither am I willing to put more time and effort in it.
Lots of 'regs' are coming back to Bangkok for the coming end of year, so I'm looking forward to it and party it up with everyone around here. Also looking forward in settling down in my condo next week, I already contacted my ISP to upgrade my line to get more speed and stability and also picked up a 24" external monitor (my 3rd one that I'm getting already for this year lol, such spew) from my friend to have a nice grind station. So I have a monitor in Singapore, Belgium and Thailand now, let's just hope I don't get it in my head to move to South-Korea next year LOL.

on a serious note

a silent prayer goes out to one of my best friend in Belgium whom grandma just found out she has cancer and only 2 weeks to live, may it be as peaceful as possible

Ryu Dang

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