Tuesday, July 13, 2010


yep, busto! well, ofcourse I'm just kidding, but that's how it feels like, haven't made a single $, euro or SGD in the past 2 months online, poker feels like such a drag, I tend to break even nowadays instead of making anything at all.. sigh, need to clear my mind and refocus on my game. Nowadays I play very agressive preflop, giving me like 15% 3-bet percentages, it's been working out better, but I still need to balance it out postflop I think, or I'll become the biggest spewtard, which is not the way to go :) But I just feel that, that is the way the games are evolving to nowadays, a lot of light 4-betting and a lot of wide ranges in preflop raises.
Well the good thing is that Jon doing pretty good, he's been putting in more hands, and becoming a solid player, which is only a good thing, now I should be helping myself instead of helping others. Back at being selfish? haha :) anyways, I look forward to go back to Belgium and take a global break from poker and see how my cute little niece or nephew will look like ^_^ and visit my old buddies over there, it's been quite some time by now, maybe they don't even know me anymore haha
I really hope things will get better soon, or I might just consider finding another job, because I can't be breaking even for 4 months or so, I still have a lot of bills and rent to pay.. so better get my heater soon..

gl to all of you

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