Tuesday, May 4, 2010

my first bad experience in SG

So a few days ago I went to Sim Lim Square, which is basically an IT center comparable with Panthip Plaza in Bangkok or just a huge mall with all IT shops. I went there to buy an iPhone 3Gs for my friend. So after browsing around a few small shops I ended up at one shop and he quoted me 820$, I asked if I could see it, and he brought me the phone. I asked him if it was factory unlocked already so it can be used worldwide, he confirmed, so I asked ok.. pack it. I'll take it. Then he says, wait, and comes back with skins and extra batteries and says he is giving me a good package deal, but well, my friend was only interested in the phone, so I declined everything. My friend handed over the 850$ and he said ok, one second. I figured he went away to make the warranty and give back the change, but he came back with nothing. Suddenly the cheery mood changed and a dark and serious face came instead. He said, the phone I just gave you is jammed, if you want a working unlocked one, then you have to pay 1100$. I'm like, uhm what? Yeah this is how it works. This is called a trapped and it's easy to get in, but very hard to get out... I'm like WHAT?!? then I said, whatever dude, give my friend back the 850$, he said, no, if you want your money back, you can have it back if you come back after 3 hours. I'll keep it for 3 hours then you can have it back. At that point I was seriously pissed off ofcourse, I grabbed the phone in front of me and just said, last warning, give my friend back the money. He said, no don't drop it, give back the phone. I said, I'll freaking break more then this you son of **** if you don't return the money NOW. He went away, came back with the money in his hands, but still didn't want to give it, told me to give back the phone first before he will hand over the money... really guy? think I'm a retard or something? eventually he gave back the money, and if my friends weren't there to stop me, I would have decked the guy for sure. Never had something happen like this before in my life, such a disrespect towards others. I hope karma works out for that guy.

Ryu Dang

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