Wednesday, April 21, 2010

hero comeback needed :/

So the first week went pretty chill, went pretty well on the coaching area, adapted my protege his handrange a bit and went over some other basics, and he did quite ok during his first week. For myself I went on a pretty bad end of the week, which almost killed all my winnings, which left me.. almost break even (once again) sigh. Anyways, I wasn't that upset about it, until the last few days, I just got totally crushed, owned, soulread on NL1K which led me to drop like almost 4k in 2 sessions.. sigh, it was so disgusting, I wanted to just throw my laptop out of the window... so I definitely need a good hero comeback this week or else my week is gonna end up a disaster :(
As for Jon, his week is superswingy also, lost first day, won it all back second, but lost again today, so he's not having his best of days either.. I guess we are both in a rough week, but I'm confident we will get through it and it will only make us stronger. I'm thinking about analysing and going further and deeper into his preflop actions now, until he understands what dynamics it creates at the tables. On the other hand, I feel so bad coaching someone while I'm not making money at all and losing so much haha.. but well a cheer up talk from my friends in Bangkok helped me and I at least made back some already today. Let's hope this will continue and last for the week.... ran against these sick beats again in today's session, but I guess it's normal. Focus. Hero. Comeback!

Ryu Dang

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