Wednesday, April 28, 2010

hell week and rambles ^_^

wow.. had one of the most horrible weekend results since a long time in my poker career, dropped like 6k, only had one good end day, a positive Sunday and the rakeback sure covers a lot of the damage, but still, it's really nothing to be excited about lol. I think I didn't play my best, and also ran bad, which makes a bad combo, so I re analysed a bit of my game and started also playing differently on other sites this week to recover from the losses and the start of the new week seems very promising. I'm targetting 10K for this week, to recover my losses and make some profits, because life in Singapore sure isn't cheap :p
anyways, the coaching part seems to be working out better, Jon seems to be more "zen" with the swings when he sees me getting owned (I guess it does have it's positive side effects lol) and he also recovered from his swingy week, and started off like me pretty decently and very keen to looking to hit his first 10k month win.
Took a break yesterday night to go see the double IP Man movie showing, it was a special avant-premiere, and they showed ip man 1 & 2 back to back. Man I was so hyped, the first movie was so amazing, he's such a crusher.. while the second one, meh, first half was good, second half turned out to be like some rocky horror movie show. Hated it so much. They really should script out white people out of asian movies (no racism or anything here intended :p) but usually the guys that do wanna act in lower budget asian movies or willing to work in it are such terrible actors that it just makes me scream. Anyways, if you didn't see the first one yet.. you are missing out. Need to become a crusher now also on the tables. Work, Dedication, Passion, Zen.

Ryu Dang

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

hero comeback needed :/

So the first week went pretty chill, went pretty well on the coaching area, adapted my protege his handrange a bit and went over some other basics, and he did quite ok during his first week. For myself I went on a pretty bad end of the week, which almost killed all my winnings, which left me.. almost break even (once again) sigh. Anyways, I wasn't that upset about it, until the last few days, I just got totally crushed, owned, soulread on NL1K which led me to drop like almost 4k in 2 sessions.. sigh, it was so disgusting, I wanted to just throw my laptop out of the window... so I definitely need a good hero comeback this week or else my week is gonna end up a disaster :(
As for Jon, his week is superswingy also, lost first day, won it all back second, but lost again today, so he's not having his best of days either.. I guess we are both in a rough week, but I'm confident we will get through it and it will only make us stronger. I'm thinking about analysing and going further and deeper into his preflop actions now, until he understands what dynamics it creates at the tables. On the other hand, I feel so bad coaching someone while I'm not making money at all and losing so much haha.. but well a cheer up talk from my friends in Bangkok helped me and I at least made back some already today. Let's hope this will continue and last for the week.... ran against these sick beats again in today's session, but I guess it's normal. Focus. Hero. Comeback!

Ryu Dang

Monday, April 12, 2010


Just settled in my new crib in Singapore for a few days, had to take my time a bit before I could actually hit the grind again, and well in the days that I have been playing I ran pretty normal on the midstakes, but I got crushed on NL1k again, so there goes my profits once again, good thing my rakeback and my live game winnings covered most of the expenses and things I bought and spewed onto. So I guess there will this insane major heater coming soon haha :)
Had the first coaching session today with Jon, first step was analysing and reforming his preflop game, and this will probably take a few sessions before it will be like it should be and he understands what impact it makes on his game. So the masterplan has been set in motion..
Really enjoying my new environment over here, and also the fact that I'm dodging all the nasty red-shirt fighting stuff that is going on in Bangkok at the moment. Still need to test out the swimming pool and jacuzzi downstairs, I guess it 's a nice way to unwind and untilt ;) hope things will be looking positive and my winrate goes higher, since I've been really running on the lowest winrate ever... wish you all the best

Ryu Dang in SG

Friday, April 2, 2010

Coaching and the run bads (nothing new here :p)

So just a couple more days before my return to Singapore.. I must really say I have been running terrible the last few weeks, not that I'm actually losing money or anything, but I think I should have shipped so much more then.. well this (for me :p) almost break even run. Things just need clear up, I ran against 2-outers, 4 times in total today in one single session and, stacked off 4 times obv, so if I would have won all of them (which would be normal), how different would my day have been? damn you poker.. it's still such an evil game, no matter how long you have played it. I'm taking a small food break now, going to try to make up for my losses of today after I have updated my blog and maybe watch some serie :)
I must say I have been receiving quite a lot of requests for coaching from a lot players, it's like suddenly they actually understand that with a coach their game will improve dramatically, definitely when it comes to online play, this is very true. Since I'm going to be a full time coach already for my roommate Jon, I'm not sure if I will be able to handle more students, but I guess time will tell. I also want to give quality the utmost importance, because I think I will be very thorough if I'm only teaching one person at the time, and I will try to bring out everything that person has, and with groupsessions I think specific guidance will be less effective. I also consider Jon as an reference I guess once he has cleared the trials, but in the end, if one makes it or not, not always is the coach to blame, he's the first one to get sacked though haha :D
So if you feel lucky, you can always spew at me and persuade you into a coaching package, I won't bite, but to be honest, chances will be pretty slim in the near future. I am excited though, it's quite a challenge...

Ryu Dang (still running BKK)