Sunday, March 13, 2011

recovery run

Had the worst afternoon session yesterday, lost 3 pots who were all about 4K$ against this guy who was running hotter then hell... each time was the same scenario. I would flop two pair on the flop and he would flop a flushdraw and just jam it all in... but he hit 3 times in a row. I was like sigh... but then the sickest moment came when this huge fish came down doubled up and we both had 4k$ stacks and he wanted to make a play 4 betted my raise, I 5 betted with AA and he jammed, I snapped he showed 23o... flop 2 6 8 rainbow, then K on turn and BINK 3 on the river. Almost wanted to throw my laptop!! sick freaking hell 8k$ pot gone just like that.. mark that as the biggest losing pot of the year 2011 lol. So in the end I was stuck about over 10k$ total. So much sigh, I quit playing and went to bed.. ofcourse couldn't sleep but I took a rest of about an hour or two.. then went back and did a marathon session (grinded 16 hours total) to end up with making back about 8k$ (had a sick 8k$ stack on the nl2k tables at one point) and then today I managed to make a sick call with A high on a 4K$ pot.. sick adrenaline rush after that.. totally super FISTPUMP!!

So now im slightly up for the week. Oh yeah.. not touching poker for today anymore.. just gonna watch a movie, well if that superfish doesn't sit down again haha... anyways gonna get ready for footie :) have a good one fellas.

Ryu Dang

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