Thursday, November 22, 2007


Hi guys,

this week been playing Online Multi Tournaments only:

got first spot at 10$+1$ buy-in 2 days ago, and yesterday got 12th spot in same value tournament and 2nd at a 11$+1$ tournament

so that's not too shabby ;) trying to play as much MTT's as possible for my arrival in Macau.. so many pro's are there.. Barry Greenstein, Joe Hachem, Liz Lieu, Hevad Khan, Isabelle "No Mercy" Mercier, Lee Nelson, Bill Chen, Masa Kagawa, Chad Brown, Emad Tatouh, Tuan Lam, Scotty Nguyen, and 2007 WSOP Main Event champion Jerry Yang. All of them are playing in the 2500$ buy-in Main Event, where I am also going to play in..

I hope to get a seat close with Liz haha :) anyways.. gotta run now.. may the river be with me!


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