Monday, April 12, 2010


Just settled in my new crib in Singapore for a few days, had to take my time a bit before I could actually hit the grind again, and well in the days that I have been playing I ran pretty normal on the midstakes, but I got crushed on NL1k again, so there goes my profits once again, good thing my rakeback and my live game winnings covered most of the expenses and things I bought and spewed onto. So I guess there will this insane major heater coming soon haha :)
Had the first coaching session today with Jon, first step was analysing and reforming his preflop game, and this will probably take a few sessions before it will be like it should be and he understands what impact it makes on his game. So the masterplan has been set in motion..
Really enjoying my new environment over here, and also the fact that I'm dodging all the nasty red-shirt fighting stuff that is going on in Bangkok at the moment. Still need to test out the swimming pool and jacuzzi downstairs, I guess it 's a nice way to unwind and untilt ;) hope things will be looking positive and my winrate goes higher, since I've been really running on the lowest winrate ever... wish you all the best

Ryu Dang in SG

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