Thursday, August 14, 2008

Playday 13

Hands: 2000 Hands
Limit: NL400
Tables: 5
Net Result: -1000$
Month Result so far: -250$

I had these crazy guys tilting me so bad..

one guy limps , I get AJ and raise pf, and then J hits on the flop and then he checks to me.. I bet, he calls, another rag card, no flush, no overcards, nothing, he checks again, I bet, he calls.. and then on the river (another rag) he POTS me putting 200$ out of nothing in it.. basically if I call, I'm either winning a stack or losing one. I can't figure the guy out, he's been playing asstight all session, superpassive.. so I fold, but it happened the same situation 3 times! with 3 different guys, exactly same situation.. I ended up folding 3 times, losing almost 500$ by being a wimpy weak-tight player that I am.. sigh.. it tilted me sooooo bad.. maybe I should have called? but then again, I probably made the correct fold.. but still, it sucks!


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