Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy birthday Jappen

Yeah it was his birthday last night, we all went out and got ourselves pretty much wasted (again). Also meet a new american poker player Rolon (Ricky) where I did 3 coinflips against, first 2 were 1000 baht each, and last one 2000 baht, won all 3 of them (yes I'm a luckbox) and managed to make it a +EV night out of it lolz..

Anyways, our french player who was supposed to catch his flight at midnight, just decided that he can't leave just yet and go back into the void, so he just cancelled everything and signed up for another 6 months of Thailand.. pretty cool move imo. nice shove Francois :D

So to celebrate this event we are all invited to his place tonight and bring our swimgear with us, since his place has a pool/jacuzzi, so I will probably go to check out his new crib.

Last night was pretty standard, cookie just made a move on this chick, Jappen got so drunk and probably ended up with some ladyboy.. I have no idea, I went home just after we had some chicken noodle soup and my quest to find a place where I could pee. (we ended up in some massage parlor at 4am where Max flashed my phonenumber to some girl who was interested in me, now I'm just hoping she doesn't have a photographic memory lol)

I had a bad run last 2 days, and stacked off 2000$ or something so I'm back running break even for this week, really incredible what kinds of suck off those damn annoying pesky shortstackers are making against me. But all in all, I think in the long run I did a good moving out, because the skill level is dramatically low and it gives me a break from the iPoker grinders for a while.


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