Tuesday, April 21, 2009

off to the roots

Ok it's almost 1 am now, and I have to wake up at 5 am to catch my flight to Vietnam.. but I somehow can't find a way to get sleep.. tried everything, even playing the peacock game on facebook with Chris but that didn't help either.. lol

anyways, I'm off for a smallish week of holidays together with my gf to visit the family and say hi to my friends over there, so that means I won't be on the tables for a while.. sad actually, because I was doing well in the rake race haha :) 

anyways, this month has been pretty horrible so far, as in getting bashed, coolered and cracked.. so my winrate dropped like crazy, with also losing this 1.8k$ pot with a full house vs quads this morning just before shipping towards my thai school.. anyhow, I'm still up almost 10K$ ish for this month, so I guess that's better then one would think, but still, I feel I deserved 20K at least.. but that's not the case, so why am I ranting about it? because I want to :p

hope things will go smoothly and taking a few days off will give me some good energy to give it a last end of month sprint on the tables before May arrives..

gonna make another trip somewhere in May, should be Macau or Philippines.. not sure where to go yet, and with who, but it should be interesting and fun to play some live games again :)

have been shipping off and cashing in some free massages on prop bets and daily poker results, I like it, it keeps me motivated :D and been through some sick birthday party's from pokerbuddies over here (with sick flips for birthday dinner bill - I luckily dodged the first one, got 35o so it was pretty safe for me.. too bad for 78 though, he flopped a straight :D) and I bought out on the second one, because I felt I was running bad, and it was Omaha Hi-Lo :p

I've also decided to continue my thai course, and extend it to level 2 (it's starting to get interesting now) and still doing my weekly futsal thing and football in the thai league.. a bit less running in the park now though, guess the weather also has to do something with it, but all in all, it was been a good period for me over here.. maybe a better run on the tables and things would be awesome instead of just good :)

Songkran in Thailand.. what can I say, it's just plane sick.. spraying water with my big big watergun and getting splashed and powdered like crazy by thousands of thais.. you just have to be there and got through it at least once to know how it is.. went to RCA and Silom, which was just awesome, having thai dancers on stage while getting sprayed, walking through the battlefield on Silom shooting down peacocks or getting ice water buckets splashed over you, it's a treat, that I can assure you :) There are just no words to describe it, really a lifetime experience.


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