Thursday, November 27, 2008

Political issues..

So when I just planned, booked and paid all my flight tickets and stuff for Thailand.. then suddenly the PAD comes and blocks down the airport, and today they even also blocked down the second airport in Thailand, the one used for domestic flights also.. sigh, what a bad timing. 
Belgian goverment has advised NOT to travel to Thailand for the moment.. but well, I booked and paid everything already, and I really don't want to spend a cold winter over here, that's for sure!
So I really hope things will clear up soon and everything will work out...

I also received my new laptop, and finished installing all the important stuff on it like pokertracker and my poker clients lol :) and I must say I'm quite happy with it, it's light to carry and finally I can put it in my notebook backpack (my last one was too big for the backpack, I had to use a hand carry bag all the time) and I can bring it along wherever I want now.

I also made a withdraw of half my roll, because I know I won't be playing much in Thailand anyways, just enough to keep up with my expenses and fool around a bit I guess lol. They were pretty fast, it took me only 2 days to receive the shipment. Poker is going pretty ok, I'm not playing as hardcore as the first week of the month, but I must say I'm playing a lot more stable and getting less variance. Hopefully I will ship a few more K's and who knows.. maybe another withdrawal before departure to Asia ;)

peace out

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Welcome to the grind!

I've been grinding for the whole month, bank project is mainly suspended due to the bad economic circumstances.. sigh, how bad can a person feel when you work on something a year and then hear that it will get suspended because of the economic recession.. I can say, pretty bad!

However, it gave me a full time grinding job again, and I've been playing NL400 mainly and also a lot of NL1000 lately (well 45K hands already for this month) and it's going pretty well, only thing is that I'm getting a lot of bad beats that are killing my winrate.. losing AA vs KK and KK vs QQ stuff, pretty much rough beats, and I've noticed that top pair or set vs draws, the draws always hits, so maybe I shouldn't shove on the flop :p just kidding ofcourse.. but well, it's starting to get ridiculous sometimes, the amount of hits I see from other players.. but well, we're still up for a pretty decent amount, so I'm not complaining (too) much.

Just ordered myself a new laptop, because, how awesome my current one is (it has a 20.1" screen), it's just too big to carry around, and since I'm just a small asian guy, it's definitely not very handy to travel around the globe, or just go to a friend's place to grind/show off :p
so, the new one will be 'just' 18.4" screen, but a lot thinner, and less weight :) and has all the latest specs, so I can run whatever I want..

Further on, I've decided to move back to Thailand for at least 3 months, and grind and enjoy a warm 'winter' over there, and use it a bit like a hub to travel around asia again. Meeting new poker players should give me more incentive to grind and also a more relaxing life.. also less boring one I hope.. but for the last weeks before departure, it's going to be hardcore grinding only! and I hope to ship up a few more K's so I can take it easy in the forthcoming period.

peace out 