Saturday, July 26, 2008

live cash games in Belgium


yesterday, I went to the casino in Oostende, and there were 2 tables running in cash games. First time for me that I played there, so it was a quite intresting experience. blinds were 2€/4€ - min buy-in 100€ max buy-in 500€

instead of rake, they charge every player 15€/hour for playing, which is quite hard, but well, I don't know if it's better then the 10% rake the casino's usually charges -_-'

anyways, I bought in for 500€ and was sitting pretty next to the dealer, which is my favorite position, and the only keyhand I played was when I was dealt AhAs, and the flop goes 2c3c5s , I raised pf 20€ and I got two callers behind me. I bet 40€ on the flop, one caller, one fold. Turn goes Ad. I shoved all in and the guy calls, river 7s. He turns over AKo and I rake in the pot with my set. There was another hand that was mentionable though. I had AT on the button and raised 16€ pf and got 2 callers. flop goes T23 , I bet 25€ on the flop, call, and the guy raised to 75€ .. wow on that board, what can he have? I'm thinking and I fold. turn goes 5. check, bet from that guy and the other guy calls 100€. river 7. the guy bets 150€. other guy calls and turns over 64 straight and the original reraiser shows 33. Good fold Ryu :p

anyways, I ended up a little bit after an hour, about 100€ while my other friend went up about 300€, so it was all by all a nice session for that one hour we played. I had fun, and I'm looking forward to playing some live cash again in Macau next month :)


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