Monday, January 20, 2014

88FoxPoker Pilipinas Poker League!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

being 2nd means NOTHING

sigh... so sad me, lost the 5000$ package... and it is my fault, I played so bad during the heads up fight feel pretty bummed out now, but it's a tough lesson learned :/

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New Asian Poker Site

If you guys haven't heard the news, Bodog has completely pulled out of the european market and is now launched and fully on the asian market only... people only from asia can be playing on it.. no need to say that it is quite soft and action packed full of crazy chinese guys.. if you are from any asian country except the Philiphines, you can use your local bank like Vietnam Bank or Thai Bank to deposit directly online, it's quite convenient!

sign up by clicking on the banner below for a 500% up to 2000$ first deposit bonus (it clears in pieces of 10$)

Monday, September 3, 2012

yikes! :)

wow, really I was surprised when I took a quick glance at my blog, and saw my latest post dated from last year.. some people must probably think I died already haha...
anyways, a bunch of stuff happened, and yeah I am still living here in Thailand, nothing changed on that area and I am still doing a lot of clicking buttons while expanding on my coaching activities.
Talking about coaching, I got signed and am now official sponsored coach for ENET Asia, which is a poker network that just turned international a year ago, and is probably the fishiest network to date. So far I have created a bunch of coaching groups for microstakes and special introduction programs for all asian countries... one that I recently started was for the Philiphines, where u can see the youtube video below.

So far I have a bunch of new students, so everything is quite busy on that area.. as for my personal grind, things are looking up, games have definitely been a lot tougher lately and winrate is definitely been lower, but I can't complain, still feel I have an edge versus most people :)
Will definitely try to update more (I know, I keep saying that) but I will haha!!

Ryu Dang

Friday, September 30, 2011

Second APA video

hey guys, check out our second APA video and just to let you guys know we are still recruiting students, so please use the correct links and referral codes to sign up now..

Ryu Dang

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First APA Video from yours truly :)

Video of APA Poker coaches Ryu Dang and David Tam doing a *free* introductory course with a trainee. Sign up at to receive your FREE introductory lesson today with referral code "APA7801V"

To see the rest of the video, visit us @ APA Thailand

Monday, September 12, 2011

Asia Poker Academy Thailand

Well this is it, get ready for this... as promised, I have started this new project and you can find all the details right --> HERE <-- Remember to register under referral code "APA7801V"

Free Coaching Videos, Freerolls available, and even Free starting bankrolls, just check it out and sign up for a free account! You can't lose out on anything by registering, it's completely free!
if there are any issues, don't be afraid to post something on the forum or send a mail to support

I already have bookings until around January for the room, still accepting students for online coaching ofcourse, and/or grinding for APA points, feel free to email me for positions on the waiting list! will be keeping you all updated on the forum :)

Ryu Dang