Saturday, November 7, 2009

Finally over!

I really should be less lazy updating my blog, but hell.. who reads this anyways :D
anyhow.. I ended up losing in the semi-finals in the Thailand HU donkament.. I wasn't in the mood really, I basically gave up because I was still tilting from my cashgame downswing bleh.. anyhow, it was fun while it lasted. Definitely my first matchup where I cracked AA twice hihi.. fun fun fun :p

Last month I totally went into robot mode and grinded out basically almost 10 hours a day, but I ran like a dog, so my winrate was like supershit, and the goal that I put up (which was 20K$) was totally off radar and far away from reached :( sad sad panda yes..

I played also a few live MTT's, first one in my own city where I lost a 3 way pot in a critical moment. I had QQ vs AK vs 33 .. all went fine, but then the river came a K that I couldn't dodge.. sad sad panda.. again, but my brother in law managed to end runner up, so that was cool.

I then played a live MTT in a Casino in Oostende, which was sooooooo excrutiatingly long, it took me 9 hours or so to get into the final table.. to then bust out on my very first hand.. I had JJ shoved it in, behind a guy instacalls and a few guys after another guy instacalls also.. result: JJ vs AA vs KK .. yeah.. cold deck? and everyone had a spade and a heart.. bad shuffle imo, because it was a brand new deck and new table.. but what can you do about it? I did share action with my brother in law this time and he managed to end up 4th spot for some monies (yeah, maybe he should turn pro instead :p) and maybe I can become a pro staker lol :D

anyhow, my tickets for Boston are booked and I'm flying out later this week, took like a whole week off from poker after my grinding month (which I used to just watch series and lay in bed :p) and boy did it feel good.. it's amazing :D being lazy is what I needed :p anyhow I played my first 250 hands or so for this month, and wow, I won some monies.. so to keep the good feeling, I stopped :D gonna go update some of the projects I have been putting on the side because I didn't have time for it due to the heavy grinding, but now I'm gonna put playing poker a bit on the side and focus on these projects a bit, because it's time for some change :)

have fun ya'll and hear you soon from Boston USA