Saturday, August 13, 2011

Big Project Coming Soon

Hi guys, sorry for another long period without any updates.. but I have been pretty busy with everything as usual :D The trip to Macau was pretty good, basically it was more a holiday trip then really a working trip, but I did do some other work relating stuff which gave birth to this new upcoming project...

Basically I will be the head poker coach for an existing coaching site and become their official Thailand office.
I can't really reveal any more details, since everything is still in the works and we still need to work out a proper structure.. but just know you will be able to get quality poker coaching soon at an affordable price from quality coaches from Thailand poker pros. Awesome no? ;)

I am very excited about this project, because it will also mean that there will be a lot of great opportunities like, people moving over and living in our Thailand grinders house to get live coaching, which is obviously a lot better and have a taste of Thailand's great nightlife ;)
Don't miss out on this chance of a lifetime!

more details will be following soon!

Ryu Dang